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Facebook Advertising in Southern Minnesota

Look at this great group of fabulous people who just learned about Facebook Advertising in Southern Minnesota. I was honored to share some tips at Northfield Enterprise Center. Chris Whillock does a great job providing training and educational opportunities for local Northfield businesses there.

When it comes to Facebook Advertising, making sure you have the right audience is key. You can create and run campaigns using simple self-serve tools, and track their performance with easy-to-read reports.

You can create an audience age, location and other details—choose the demographics, interests and behaviors that best represent your audience. Yet, you can go even deeper than that. For example, if you are in the wedding business, you can target those who are in a relationship or recently engaged .

The marketing you can do with Facebook Advertising is exciting. Yet, more than I can share in a blog. Sign up below for one of my upcoming training sessions or Holler at Holly for a 1-1 talk.

Westbrack Marketing is located in Southern Minnesota with offices in Owatonna and Medford. If you are interested in having more control over your website, getting a website refreshed or simply want to know your options and what is available online, talk to Holly today.


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